Map of South Africa, Maps of Africa, maps of the world, Atlases, wall maps, road maps, street guides and atlases, globes and travel publications.

Se7en Review – Africa Country Playing Cards

Time for a GiveAway… Africa Country Playing Cards from Mapstudio…

October 16th, 2014 · 40 Comments

Some years the focus of your school year can end up far from where you ever thought it would go and this year was one of those years. One trip to the library a couple of months ago and we took out a book on teaching tourism to scholars, it was such an inspiration. That was all we need to get the idea to study a little tourism… glean the landmarks, and the main features of countries around the world. Learning about countries around the world suddenly became learning with a purpose… what if we ever got to go there. Turns out there is a vast difference between learning a couple of facts about a country and planning a visit!!!

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The cards are a deck of regular playing cards and you can play regular card gameswith them, but each card also comes with a country on it and a couple of fast facts:

  • The location in Africa.
  • The map
  • The flag
  • Area (miles and kilometres)
  • Highest Point
  • Population
  • Capital and Important Cities
  • Currency
  • Main Exports…


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I think there might have been one or two early risers… trying to master some facts on the quiet…


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And the most coveted card in the pack… South Africa of course!!!


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    1. “And Just Where Are You Going?” Divide the cards amongst the players… and give each player a map of Africa. Take turns… the player whose turn it is gets to give the others clues about the country in their hand… and the first player to get it wins the card. Player with the most cards wins.


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    1. The Best of the Rest: Divide the cards amongst the players. Each player takes turns to ask for the largest area, the lowest population, the country with the capital earliest or latest in the alphabet… Basically any question that provides a winner. The winner gets the card and ultimately the player with the most card wins.


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    1. Neighbouring States: Divide the cards amongst all the players and the first player puts down a card. Take turns, and if a player has a card that is neighbouring any of the cards on the table they can put a card down (think dominoes)… first player to place all their cards on the table is the winner.


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We have two packs of Africa Country Cards to GiveAway to our readers… One to a local reader living in South Africa and one to someone living outside of South Africa.


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After asking our readers if they prefer “leave a comment” or “rafflecopter” GiveAways last week, it was pretty unanimous…our readers like to leave comments… So now we would love lots and lots of comments from you all:Leave a comment and tell us where you are… We really want to know and would love to put a pin on our map wherever our readers are… If you can be precise and tell us the state and town that would be great… Please help us cover our map in pins!!!