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Cape Town Cycle Tour



The Cape Town Cycle Tour Book


The Cape Town Cycle Tour Book

Join the world’s biggest bike race on its 40-year journey from the Argus Tour to the Cape Town Cycle Tour.  312 pages with over 1000 iconic images, astonishing facts, all the winners, personal memories and the in-depth tale of each of the 39 tours to date.

Each page, from 1978, is featured as a separate chapter with

  • Highlights and facts over the years
  • Factoid boxes throughout
  • A graphic (for each year) showing the finish line comparisons of record holders and finishing times
  • Overall finishing statistics comparison graphs since 1978
  • To date, the distance and main category winners listed for each year since 1978
  • Location map of the route (showing changes since 1978)
  • Key stats for each year
  • Overview of sponsors
  • Key rider personalities
  • Winner’s photos
  • Images reflecting riders and supporters since 1978
  • Bike, clothing, gear and technology changes over the years.
  • Images of the medals, logos and awards
  • Key celebrities, personalities and organisers over the years
  • Race number graphics and badges
  • Over 1000 photographs from the archives featuring
    • spectators
    • personalities
    • historic moments
  • Interviews with iconic personalities and their personal memories
  • Historical newspaper clippings
  • “The year that was” ox with non-cycling events for each year

This book is a must-have for anyone who has every cycled in the Cape Town Cycle Tour, or will be cycling for the first time. The book makes the perfect gift or add to your array of cycling books.

Let’s get our ride on!

About the author:



Tim Brink lined up for his first Cape Town Cycle Tour in 1983, and finally became a finisher for the first time in 1984, when all the riders and their hangers-on fitted onto the Camps Bay Sports Club grounds. His personal journey through the Cycle Tour totals 30 finishes, ranging from 51st overall. He is the editor of the oldest cycling publication in South Africa – Ride – which turns 20 in 2017, and the author of The South African Bike Book, also available from our online store.



Review on The Gremlin

Customer Testimonial


Many thanks for arranging the delivery of a pristine copy of “Cape Town Cycle Tour”……….. it makes for an excellent read and reference book….a true tribute to the millions of hours spent training, organizing, participating and the millions of rands spent on bikes and equipment to bolster the industry, and the vast amounts of funding raised for worthy causes. Not forgetting the raised level of general fitness. The “bennies” go on and on.

Alan Shaw


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